Penshurst Amateur Dramatic Society

Robert Rees

PADS was formed in 1947 by Dick Hoblyn, a well known local resident, who set up a Committee and laid down the Rules.  The Aims of the society were simple:

  1. To entertain the people of Penshurst and their friends.
    2.    To raise money for Local Deserving Causes.

These Aims still hold good today.

The first production in 1947 was ‘A Quiet Weekend’ a 1941 play by the British writer Esther McCracken.  Due to its success and the production of other plays the Society grew in popularity and was soon putting on three productions a year, covering a wide range of plays from Priestley to Shakespeare. Two of the latter plays being performed in the Church rectory garden.

At the turn of the century PADS has of necessity had to change with the times and compete with other forms of entertainment. Membership started to fall off, in common with other local societies. However PADS and the Blackham Country Players decided to pool their resources a few years ago with great success and whilst we both retain our separate identities we now present two joint productions a year in the two separate venues of Blackham Village Hall and Penshurst Village Hall.


For those wishing to learn more about PADS, please click on this link



This page was added on 03/10/2016.